The Deaf Dog Who Took A Bullet To Protect His Owner And ended up homeless, Has a second chance

 A heroic pit bull who saved his owner's life and then became homeless is finally getting his second chance in the form of a new home of his own.

Kiko, now 14, took a bullet for his owner during a home invasion in 2012 and became homeless shortly after his owner had to move and couldn't take Kiko with him. Mighty Mutts, a rescue organization based in New York City, took Kiko in 2014 and has been tirelessly searching for the right home for him ever since.

"We've all been very involved with Kiko for the past year and a half - it's so exciting to see him find his home," Jill Haynes of Mighty Mutts told The Dodo. Kiko is elderly and also deaf, so a home for him had to be very special to meet his needs.

A couple who knew they would definitely be the right family for Kiko saw his story on The Dodo and contacted Mighty Mutts about him. On Thursday evening, the couple came to pick up Kiko and finally take him to his long-awaited home. Needless to say, Kiko seems overjoyed.

On the Mighty Mutts Facebook page, Kiko's new home was celebrated with these words, "He went to a wonderful couple on Thursday night who are completely focused on him. They saw the article about him in The Dodo, which has been shared thousands of times, and knew he was the dog for them."

Mighty Mutts relies on foster families to care for rescued dogs, and Kiko's foster mom Casey Ryan was a real hero to him while he waited to find his forever home. "He's a great, older, hero dog and he deserves a forever home where he will be pampered and loved unconditionally," Casey told The Dodo before Kiko was finally adopted.

Mighty Mutts is always looking for foster homes in New York City to help them care for their loving  dogs before they find their new homes.

If you would be interested in fostering for Mighty Mutts and helping out other dogs just like Kiko, you can check out their website to find out more.

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