Mama Dog is Crying, Begging to Be Saved After Giving Birth to 10 Puppies in The Cold Snow

We're seeing a heartbreaking story. Under the cold snow, the mother dog gave birth to ten puppies.

Everything was covered in snow. The puppies were freezing cold. If they are not saved, they will not live.

The puppies were whimpering, and the rescuers could not keep back their cries of despair. They were all really weak because they had only given birth a few days prior.

Ten puppies have been brought home and need to be warmed up. They've started drinking milk, and thank God everything is well.

The puppies have pooped, which is a good sign that rescuers were happy about.

50 days later, the puppies are growing and adorable. Ten angels started looking for a new home after having two immunisations.

Thank you all; finally, ten puppies have new families. They deserve a happy family after all they've been through in life.

Thank you to the sponsors that supported these angels. 

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